Friday, July 20, 2007

iWrite. Do you...?

iWrite. Do you...?

I recently scanned through an interesting article by blogger Bibliobibuli, about how she started writing. It got me thinking about writing in general.

How much do you enjoy writing? I've met many people who tell me that writing is torture, and yet they continue to put pen onto paper because they have a story to tell . Lots of writers have also told me that they write because it's enjoyable, a release of emotions. I think that they're both correct and that it just feels different at different points of your life. Personally, I'm not sure why iWrite. I think it's because iLove words.

But then again-- me and my keyboard? We have a love-hate relationship. Pens are out of the question... left-handers with the hook syndrome will know what I'm talking about.

I'll leave you here for now. It's a short entry today, because Bibliobibuli's article is quite long and I don't want what few readers I have to strain their eyes.

Write you later. Go read something.

-The illiterate Blogger-


bibliobibuli said...

nice, nuri! i find writing painful sometimes. not blog writing or persoanl writing, but when i'm drafting something for publication ... there's a sense of forcing the brain ... and then the whole thing comes right in the end

Nuri said...

I love that feeling at the end, when everything fits. It makes me feel that love for writing all over again!